Location: Emmaus Healing Ministry -1st Wednesday of each month @ 6:30pm
Spirit, Word and Sacrament: Jesus’ ministry was one of words and deeds, teaching and signs and wonders. We believe through the power of the Holy Spirit, God wants to heal the sick in body, mind and spirit. So, at Emmaus Abbey, prayer for healing is a regular part of our life together. It is our joy and delight to offer the healing ministry of Jesus to anyone who calls on His name.
We seek to facilitate various kinds of healing:
- Physical Healing
- Inner Healing (or, Healing of Memories)
- Prayer for times of grief and loss
- Confession
At our Sunday Service after the Eucharist. A team of two people are available in the back to pray for you. We have a Healing Service/Eucharist on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. where we do ‘hands on healing’. We have people you can be put in touch with that will meet with you at a time that is more convenient. This is available for prayer, healing, inner healing and prayer for times of grief and loss.
Depending on the type of healing or prayer you are looking for, we have various times and opportunities:
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to accept prayer. As it states in James 5:14, “Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.”
Prayer & Inner Healing Workshops
Basic Healing Prayer Workshop
The Emmaus Healing Ministry (EHM)™ is excited to provide a healing prayer workshop. The healing Center’s mission is to bring the healing ministry of Jesus Christ into the mainstream of life and they envision a time when all Christians will experience and participate in this ministry just as Jesus instructed us to do. The EHM training is biblically grounded, easy to understand and immediately useful. We are delighted to open this workshop to anyone from local churches interested in the opportunity to partner in seeing the Kingdom of Heaven manifested on earth!
The training will include such topics as Hearing God’s Voice, How to Pray for Physical and Inner Healing and Obstacles to Healing. Along with the teaching, you’ll also have a chance to practice what you’re learning and there will be plenty of time for Questions and Answers.
Basic Healing Prayer Workshop
Session One: Hearing God’s Voice
Session Two: How to Pray for Physical Healing
Session Three: How to Pray for Inner Healing
Session Four: Obstacles to Healing
Worship and Healing Prayer Service (open to all)
Call for workshop schedules.